My YouTube Channels

MandJTV - 2.3M subscribers

My oldest and largest YouTube channel where I discuss Pokémon. I started it making random comedy videos, but after the success of “How Old is Ash Ketchum?” in 2013 (my first video to pass 1 million views), I have focused on Pokemon discussion videos. While the years have included many evolutions (pun intended), scripted presentation videos have remained the channel’s bread and butter, such as “21 Most Annoying Pokemon to Evolve” or “Best Starter Pokemon to Pick in Every Game”

MandJTV Plays - 1.1M subscribers

While still focused on Pokémon, MandJTV Plays is quite distinct in its content format. Its biggest hit series is Team Sky, where I portray the leader of the third villainous team from the Hoenn region obsessed with expanding the sky…whatever that means. Other character theme playthroughs are present as well, such as playing as Gym Leaders or Team Rocket, as is the John Michael Cup, where my friend PM7 and I compete in Pokémon challenges that rarely involve actually battling.

MandJTV Extra - 300K subscribers

MandJTV Extra was created to house content I wanted to make but didn’t feel right putting on my other two channels. Currently, it houses Pokemon Meme Review, my long-running monthly series where I react to fan submissions of memes or fan art. Additionally whenever a new Pokemon game drops, my casually-edited playthrough is posted to this channel as an episodic series. But due to the “extra” nature of it, I can post truly whatever I feel inspired to.

John Michael & Co - 120k subscribers

This channel is shared with my dear friend John/PM7. Our fans enjoyed seeing us together in the John Michael Cup series, but since it cannot go on year-round, we created John Michael & Co and its accompanying Patreon to be able to record more together and post weekly. It is our most laid-back content: together he and I play through a Pokémon game one hour at a time, and it serves almost like a podcast.